I am an Assistant Professor in the AI thrust at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou campus). I lead the Precognition Lab. I am also an Affiliate Assistant Professor at HKUST computer science & engineering department.
Prior to joining HKUST-GZ, I was a senior researcher at Tencent Youtu Lab working with Chunhua Shen. I completed my Ph.D. in 2021 from Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Alexander Hauptmann. My Ph.D. and research work were mostly funded by IARPA, NIST and NSF grants. I was a research intern at Google AI multiple times and collaborated with Lu Jiang, Liangliang Cao, Jia Li and Kevin Murphy. I obtained my undergraduate degree from RUC, advised by Qin Jin.
I am looking for one PhD. student to work on Embodied AI. Send me an email if you are interested and have two or more first-authored published papers at top conferences. My lab is at capacity now. I will look for PhD. students from MPhils of the university. Please checkout our lab resources and this letter. 招生文: [知乎] [小红书]
For fellow assistant professors and Ph.D. students, I have gathered some awesome lists of resources that may be useful for your success. See here and feel free to contribute on Github. [被CVer盗了hhh]
If you want to meet, check out my public calendar first and propose a meeting via email.
Precognition Lab (Website: (Publications: Link)
Our research lab, the Precognition Lab (智能感知与预测实验室), is interested in building human-level Embodied AI systems that can effectively perceive, reason, and interact with the real-world for the good of humans. Here is an up-to-date research roadmap. Here are our on-going or finished research grants.
Our lab's computing resources include 32 RTX 3090/4090 GPUs and a cluster of 24 A6000 GPUs with a 100TB NAS. See this post. And we have multiple mobile platforms with robot arms and dex hands:
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